Many people still blur. We have been studying English for years but have we been successful? Are we able to speak English quickly, easily, and automatically? If not, then we need to ask how come it happens. Well, perhaps it is because we learn in the wrong way. So, what is the right way? No worries. I will tell you. It is not your fault. You are not the only in earth who experience this same frustration. Lucky me, couple days ago I joined academic writing class and guess who was there? A native speaker from America named Juliana Shepherd. Yes, your eyes didn’t fool you. She happily shared her experience and here I will do the same thing share it with you. Here they are, the three Juliana’s tips that I quote from her presentation for your better English.
· Listening, reading, and repeating
Listening is the main point in the process of learning especially foreign language. It has been a habit in western for parents to read simple stories for children before going to bed. While the mother or father is reading the stories, they will listen and get use with the language. It also creates an interest and helps them want to learn the language.
As an adult learning, is it still important for us to do that? The answer is YES. We can listen to an audio book and read the book in the same time. But remember, we must divide our listening time and also practice narrow listening. What is narrow listening? When we listen to similar things such as one chapter of a story book, we do narrow listening. It will lead our skill sky rocket and speak better than the one who listen different kinds of things.
How to memorize it? No needs to memorize it just listen to it several times at least 30 times. Most people must hear a new word 30 times to remember it forever. It calls repetition. The first 10 times listen and read together, then only listen the audio. Don’t forget to write on your note book the new vocabularies and how to use it too.
· Media: comics, drama, and games
The second tip is very useful for teacher and that is what we will do in the future, right? Why these media are very useful?
ü Comics, blank comics without words will help the students to make their own dialogue. We only guide them to the right way and help them if they have problem in how to say it.
ü Drama, give the students a scenario (for example, a rebellious child) and let them act it out spontaneously (all in English). Don’t forget to practice it first to encourage their confident.
ü Games, “Pictionary”, hangman, crosswords, hidden words, tell jokes. Who hates games? Everyone loves playing games. So, games will really facilitate them in learning.
· A full book report, presentations, out of class work, and research paper
The third tip dedicate for advanced learner. They will smooth the progress of their learning due to advance learners need more advance activities. Don’t forget that they will write their final project too. Have students read a book at home and then write a full book report including other sources in their report will train them for improving their writing skill. Present their works in the class also part of their training, because they will do that too in the future. When students get use to present and speech in front of their friends and lecturer, there will be fewer burdens to do that with their final projects. Out of class work and research paper make them know and see the real world in teaching such as when they have to practice teaching in such school. They will learn through experiences and will sharpen their soft skill. Soft skill is very important more than hard skill.
As a conclusion, never thinks to give up when you realize your English is not in progress. Many people face the same problem. Now, we already know the great tips from the native speaker and we believe this is the way they study language so no space for failing. Just follow the steps, practice it and prove it. Note that listening, reading, and repeating are the keys of our success. For teachers, never leave the media; use it as much as we can. Lastly, want to finish your study soon? Never get stuck with the final project? Practicing writing in a full book report, presentations, out of class work, and research paper can help you. So, what we are waiting for. Let’s study English better!
Ps: thanks to Juliana Shepherd for the nice presentation and let me be her friend. Hope it will bring many great things in the future.