Out of Campus Activity Report
Love is teaching elementary students
And seeing them happily study
And answering “Good morning, students!”
When they greet you
2008 32 264
Class B
Being a great teacher is every student of Muria Kudus University dream. In order to get there, this semester we have out of campus activity i.e. teaching at school for practicing what we already studied in TEFL I. I love children and play with them, so I choose teaching at elementary school. I landed my option to SD 3 Jojo in Mejobo regency. The students are nice as most of their parents are laborers. Their spirit of studying English is good and I really like it. I enjoyed my time being there teaching and sharing with them about English, a language that I fall in love with since forever. The principal and the teachers really welcome this out of campus program when I proposed it at the first time. I told them the goal of this program is to help them doing their teaching and learning program. I will help them do the administration such as typing if they need me to do that and I also asked them to give several job teaching for English. The English’s teacher said its fine and she promised me that she will guide me. All the staffs in here were really nice, kind, and polite.
My teaching activities
Day 1
Today is a wonderful day fill with high spirit and enthusiasm. I had a class with fifth grade students. The topic of the day was about mathematic. Before we started the lesson, I wanted to check their understanding about number. I ordered them to write number 1-20. Only one student could do it perfectly. Well, it’s not bad. As a reward I gave her (Her name is Ika Wijayanti) a pen. Actually I didn’t plan it but as long as it can arouse their will for studying English I still buy another pen next day. As the result, every student wanted the pen and tried to do the exercises in the best way. Next step was still continuing writing number. I wanted them to have a good basic about number from 1-100. In short, everyone is happy today learning about number.
Day 2 (1st grade and 2nd grade)
Teaching first grade? What should I teach? They are still in process of learning how to write alphabet. No worries. If they can’t write well I can teach them to speak English well, so today we are going to study about greeting in the very simple way. There were only nine new students. Actually, this class consists of 12 students; 3 students decided to stay and spend another year in here. As introduction I taught them about what should they do when I greet them and practiced the dialogues together. The three students really helped me. I wrote a very simple sentence on the blackboard, the combination of “Good morning + all the students’ name” such as Good morning Teguh. Then I asked them to come forward and practiced reading. Surprisingly, they were really enthusiastic to do that. Thanks God, my class was running smoothly.
Second grade got the next turn at 09.30 am. Today we are going to learn about how to write number 21-30. Most of the students in SD 3 Jojo have a good reading and writing skill, so it really help me so much especially in this class. I taught them that writing number was easy. No needs to remember all. As long as you listen to your teacher carefully, you can do it. For example, in writing number 21, just remember 21 is 20 + 1 so just write twenty + one = twenty one. By keeping remind them and ask most of the students can do the exercise well. Another great moment for today and I do thank Allah for it. Alhamdullillah.
Day 3
I should teach third grade today but the principal wanted me to type some documents, so I couldn’t teach them. At the first time when I told them about my out of campus activity, the principal really welcomed me. He also asked “Can you operate computer?”. I said yes and today he wanted me to type documents about BOS. The principal and teachers here are really nice and kind. Another wonderful gift that I got from Allah. Thanks a bunch for everything.
Day 4
Today we had flag ceremony and I joined it. The class started at 07.30 am. With the great experience that I got from class V, today I decided to do the same thing with this class, grade six. In the syllabus I read about shopping and I think their good understanding about number will help them to comprehend the next material i.e. shopping. Apparently some of them still had problems with it. It’s ok. Then we continued the lesson talking about direction and compass. They wrote some vocabularies in their note book then did the exercise after I explained the material.
Day 5
Due to so many documents have to type, I spent my day typing them. The principal said that he had to submit them today, so I did my best to finish them as soon as possible.
Day 6
The students of first grade until third grade will have “BIAS program”. This program dedicated to protect them from several diseases e.g. measles, hepatitis B, etc. the doctor from Puskesmas Mejobo will give the injection. After got injection, they got some pills too and the teacher decided they might go home early today. No teaching activity for me so the principal wanted me to type some documents again.
Day 7
My teaching activity today was studying shapes with grade six. We decided to leave the class and chose the library. I already searched that there are many books about shapes in here. So I ordered the students to write and draw the shapes from the book. It’s good for them to encourage their motivation in reading. I saw the students here loved spending their break time in the library and now they knew that they also could study in here too.
Day 8
For a week they will have their final test, so I pray for them hoping they can do and answer the test well. No teaching activity so I helped the principal typing the administration documents.
Day 9
The last day and I have to say goodbye to all of them. Little bit hard for me to do that. They gave me so many great experiences. Teaching English for them is really fun. I can apply my knowledge from my lecturers. The principal and teachers are really pleasant. I do hope and pray in the future I will have great teaching partner just like them.
My opinion about out of campus program
At the first time we are clueless about what kind of program it is and in the end, when I shared my experiences with my friends, most of them really enjoyed this program. They love teaching and really want to sign another or new long contract of teaching in the school. But as we know, some of the schools already have their own English teacher and as fifth semester student we have so many things and assignments to be done. In conclusion, this program really helps us to see, explore, and experience the real world of teaching. It also improves our soft skill as we know this skill is beyond our hard skill. No matter how clever you are as prove with your scores but in the real world they do not care about it. All they care if you can answer and help them especially with topics that involve English. Operating computer is also the skill that you have to master. How can be a college student can’t operate computer? Once more this program also let us know that the job of the teacher is not only teaching abut also can do many thing. Any kinds of skill will be useful and we can apply them in our teaching and learning process in order to help our students to be a better person in the future.
My suggestion for this program
After joining this program and also experiencing with the other subjects such as SIP (Speaking for Instructional Purposes) I found that we can apply them together. For SIP we had to record a teaching activity using classroom languages. If we combine this program with the SIP program there will be a good result. In my experience when recorded my video for SIP the class wasn’t real students and really gave bad effect for the result. It just like playing drama as you were the teacher and your friends as the students. Most of our friends also agreed that when they taught in the school the feel was different and more enjoyable because they were really in the teaching world. And we also can explore did we already apply the classroom languages or not. It is really important because the language that we use in the class is quite different as we learn in SIP class. In short this out of campus program can shoot more than one objective.
My lesson plans
Can you write the number?
1. | Kelas / semester | : | 5/1 |
2. | Tujuan pembelajaran | : | Siswa dapat menyebutkan angkadalam bahasa Inggris |
3. | Indikator | : | Siswa dapat menjawab pertanyaan tentang angka |
4. | Waktu | : | Siswa dapat menyatakan penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, dan pembagian dalam bahasa Inggris 60 menit |
5. | Keterampilan | : | Menulis dan berbicara |
6. | Keterangan | : | Guru mengecek pengetahuan siswa tentang angka dari 1-100 |
7. | Prasyarat bahasa | : | Siswa tahu cara yang benar menulis angka 1-100 |
Pre activity
Guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan tentang angka dengan cara guru mendikte siswa untuk menuliskan beberapa angka secara urut (untuk 1-20) dan acak (untuk angka 20-100) kegiatan ini dilakukan sebagai apersepsi.
Main activity
· Guru memberikan contoh cara mengerjakan task di level 1 , dengan cara menerangkannya di papan tulis dan siswa mendengarkan penjelasannya terlebih dahulu.
Contoh: 1+2 = 3 one plus two is three
10-2 = 8 ten minus two is eight
5 x 2 = 10 five times two is ten
20 : 10 =2 twenty divided by ten is two
· Selanjutnya siswa mengerjakan latihan dengan bimbingan dari guru.
· Setelah kegiatan task tersebut selesai, guru mengulang kembali dengan melafazkan kata-kata yang terdapat pada latihan tersebut dan siswa menirukan ucapan guru.
Post activity
· Guru mengulang kembali materi tersebut dengan cara memberikan pertanyaan yang baru tentang penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian dan pembagian.
Kepala SD 3 Jojo Guru Bahasa Inggris
Sutarwi, S.Pd Sujinah
NIP. 19600813 198201 1 007
Good morning teacher!
1. | Kelas / semester | : | 1/1 |
2. | Tujuan pembelajaran | : | Siswa dapat menyebutkan salam dalam bahasa Inggris |
3. | Indikator | : | Siswa dapat menjawab salam dalam bahasa Inggris |
4. | Waktu | : | Siswa dapat menyatakan selamat pagi kepada guru dan teman-temannya dalam bahasa Inggris 30 menit |
5. | Keterampilan | : | Menulis dan berbicara |
6. | Keterangan | : | Guru mengajarkan siswa mengucapkan dan menjawab salam |
7. | Prasyarat bahasa | : | Siswa tahu cara yang benar member dan menjawab salam |
Pre activity
Guru menyapa siswa dalam bahasa Inggris lalu mengenalkan pada siswa bagaimana cara menjawab salam tersebut dan mempraktekkannya bersama-sama.
Main activity
· Guru memberikan contoh cara menulis salam kepada teman di papan tulis dan siswa diminta untuk menyebutkan temen mereka satu persatu.
Contoh: Good morning Teguh
Good morning Vita
· Selanjutnya siswa mengerjakan latihan dengan bimbingan dari guru.
· Setelah kegiatan task tersebut selesai, guru mengulang kembali dengan melafazkan kata-kata yang terdapat pada latihan tersebut dan siswa menirukan ucapan guru.
Post activity
· Guru mengulang kembali materi tersebut dengan cara memberikan pertanyaan yang baru tentang salam dengan nama siswa di kelas dua atau tiga yang mereka kenal.
Kepala SD 3 Jojo Guru Bahasa Inggris
Sutarwi, S.Pd Sujinah
NIP. 19600813 198201 1 007
I can write and draw the shapes
1. | Kelas / semester | : | 6/1 |
2. | Tujuan pembelajaran | : | Siswa dapat menyebutkan bentuk dalam bahasa Inggris |
3. | Indikator | : | Siswa dapat menggambar berbagai bentuk |
4. | Waktu | : | Siswa dapat menulis dan menjawab pertanyaan tentang bentuk dalam bahasa Inggris 60 menit |
5. | Keterampilan | : | Menulis dan berbicara |
6. | Keterangan | : | Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis dan menggambar bentuk dari |
| | | |
7. | Prasyarat bahasa | : | Buku di perpustakaan. Siswa mengetahui berbagai bentuk dari pelajaran matematika |
Pre activity
Guru mengajak siswa ke perpustakaan dan meminta mereka untuk mencari buku dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi tentang bentuk. Selanjutnya siswa juga diminta untuk menulis dan menggambar bentuk tersebut di buku catatan mereka.
Main activity
· Guru memberikan contoh cara menjawab pertanyaan tentang bentuk sustu benda.
Contoh: what is the shape of the blackboard?
It is rectangle.
· Selanjutnya siswa mengerjakan latihan dengan bimbingan dari guru.
· Setelah kegiatan task tersebut selesai, guru mengulang kembali dengan melafazkan kata-kata yang terdapat pada latihan tersebut dan siswa menirukan ucapan guru.
Post activity
· Guru mengulang kembali materi tersebut dengan cara memberikan pertanyaan yang baru tentang bentuk.
Kepala SD 3 Jojo Guru Bahasa Inggris
Sutarwi, S.Pd Sujinah
NIP. 19600813 198201 1 007