Every student will face this process in order to finish their study and wishes to get a degree. It calls theses. A thesis is a written record of the work that has been undertaken by a candidate. It constitutes objective evidence of the author’s knowledge and capabilities in the field of interest and is therefore a fair means to gauge them. Although thesis writing may be viewed as an unpleasant obligation on the road to a degree, the discipline it induces may have lifelong benefits. Most people think that writing these for undergraduate and post graduate are just the same. In fact, they have something in common but differ in many aspects.
The difference between the undergraduate and postgraduate theses is one of degree rather than kind. They share a common structure and need for logical rigor. It is only in the substance and the emphasis placed on it that the differences arise. Whereas the under graduated thesis is at present, graded on the quality of research, the significance of the contributions and the style of presentation, the post graduate shall be a substantial and original contribution to scholarship, for example, through the discovery of knowledge, the formulation of theories or the innovative re-interpretation of known data and established ideas. While a post graduate is required to present their research in the context of existing knowledge, an undergraduate thesis is judged on originality, independence, and mastery. This means a thorough and critical review of the literature, not necessarily limited to the narrow topic of research, but covering the general area. The post graduate candidate should also show clearly what original contributions she or he has made; in contrast, the under graduate doesn’t have to do that. For lower degrees, a thesis is evidence of the candidate’s capacity to carry out independent research under the guidance of a supervisor, and to analyze and communicate the significant results of that work but for higher degrees must demonstrate, in addition, mastery of the literature and indicate clearly which his or her original work is, and why it is significant.
In conclusion, the basic differentiation between under and post graduate theses is on the degree. Under graduate covers the thesis in narrow topic; post graduate must cover in general and should demonstrate familiarity with previous relevant work in his or her thesis.
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